The Osper Philosophy – Let Kids be Kids
We believe in letting kids be kids.
We believe in knee-scrape freedom. In water fights and dress-up days, in the wonderful way that kids have of falling over and picking themselves straight back up again. In fact, sometimes we wish someone would let us be kids again too – back then, we learned with an openness and bravery it’s hard to match now we’re older.
So we started Osper, mainly to provide the next generation of children with the tools we wish we’d had. The chance to learn how to manage money before the stakes get high – before credit scores and overdrafts, mortgages and APRs. Back when the worst you could really do was waste your allowance on something silly.
And if we were ever unsure, our Osper families have convinced us. We’ve watched young people turn hobbies into passions and then businesses, watched eight year olds grow in confidence until they’re managing their finances like pros. Best of all, we’ve watched mistakes get made, get fixed and most importantly, not get made the next time. In short, we’ve seen Osper help children be proud of themselves.
That makes us pretty proud too (as you can imagine). It also makes us chatty about what we believe in, so if you prefer it straight from the source, check out our Stories section to hear from the Osper families themselves.