It’s GLOBAL MONEY WEEK, which means that the excitement levels at Osper are THROUGH THE ROOF right now. Basically this is just one big, amazing excuse for us to carry on talking about money and how to manage it, and now you can get involved too! 😀
Global Money Week is an annual celebration of financial awareness, and its aim is to teach children about money to prepare them for their future. This year, the theme is ‘Take Part. Save Smart!’
#TakePartSaveSmart is teaching young people across the globe the importance of saving their money. They are starting with the most important factor of all: CONVERSATION. One Mummy Blogger, @KalpanaFitz of MummyMoneyMatters thinks that parents should ‘start talking to your children about money as soon as possible, as young as age four.
Relying on schools for financial education just isn’t an option at the moment; the 2015 IFS Young Persons’ Money Index found that 80% of students cited their parents as the biggest influencers of financial understanding. Mums and Dads- it’s on you. If you don’t talk to kids about money, who will?
So, let’s talk about it. To kick start the conversations, check out what some of our Osper parents have been saying. Get involved and comment below!
Vicky For my eldest, the savings exercise really hit home for the first time when he was 7 years old and wanted a Nintendo DS. He saved for 6 months and bought it himself. I think he appreciated it more for the effort that went into acquiring it!